DC Comics Releases BATMAN: THE JIRO KUWATA BATMANGA Under Digital First Banner

For the First Time All of Jiro Kuwata’s Batman Stories are Translated to English

DC Comics will release BATMAN: THE JIRO KUWATA BATMANGA as a Digital First series beginning July 5. This marks the first time Jiro Kuwata’s Batmanga collection is translated and unabridged, and available for purchase as a complete collection outside of Japan.

In order to remain as true to the original work as possible, pages will be presented in the traditional Japanese right-to-left reading order. The chapters in this series will vary in length from 15-32 pages, each selling for $.99. The first chapter, “Lord Death Man” is Jiro Kuwata’s most famous story arc; Batman and Robin face off against villain Lord Death Man. The first chapter runs 32 pages in length.

“Batman is one series that holds a lot of memories for me,” stated Jiro Kuwata in Memories of Batman. “My hope is that with this, even more people will read the Batman of my memories.”

BATMAN: THE JIRO KUWATA BATMANGA will be released on a weekly basis starting Saturday, July 5 via the DC Comics App, Readdcentertainment.com, iBooks, comiXology.com, Google Play, Kindle Store, and the Nook Store. Later this year, all 1,000+ pages will be printed and released in three paperback collected editions.