The final countdown: appeal for help with lost Judge Dredd newspaper strips

In May, 2000 AD appealed to its readers to help solve a mystery – and they replied in spades!

The legendary British comic book asked fans to track down key episodes from the Judge Dredd comic strip that ran for around 2,980 episodes from 1981-1998 in the national Daily Star newspaper.

Thanks to their detective work all but four episodes have been rediscovered for reprinting in the first volume of the Daily Dredds collection, due out later this year, and now 2000 AD is making a final appeal for help from readers and collectors in finding the final strips, all drawn by fan favourite artist Ron Smith.

While low resolution scans have been found, high resolution digital versions or good quality physical versions have eluded 2000 AD’s graphic novels team – leading to this unusual appeal from 2000 AD’s publishers, Rebellion.

The missing strips are:

  • 17th September 1983: Baffin Island
  • 10th December 1983: Manta Tank
  • 30th June 1984: Strike Bound
  • 4th August 1984: Glaring

The gallery above shows low res scans of the last four strips and any Earthlets who have access to either scans or good physical copies should contact 2000 AD by e-mailing