Publisher: Boom
Writer: George Perez
Artist: George Perez
Editor: Dafna Pleban
Release date: OUT NOW!!!!
Price: $3.99

Boom Comics
A century ago Sirens destroyed the world. There, it took just seven words to tell you what takes up the first six pages of this issue. Seven Sirens were killed, the leader, the immortal Highness, was imprisoned for life on a planet called Dungeon Rock and the eight remaining Sirens are unaccounted for until now.
Except maybe the Sirens didn’t destroy the world. Maybe there’s some weird time warp/enchantment type thing going on. Oh, and there’s dragons too. We get quite a bit of sound and fury and more characters than is good for your average length comic book but it all feels like a build up to prepare us for the appearance of the real baddie, Perdition.
The look and tone of Sirens almost inevitably brings back memories of Perez’s work on Marvel Comics’ Avengers and DC’s Teen Titans and on those grounds alone you will really want to like Sirens. However, Sirens seems a pale by comparison. And yet given the heights George Perez has scaled there is a long way to fall before you could call his work dull or uninteresting.
George Perez is the consummate professional and, judging by his dedication to Sirens, this is a very personal project for him and, at times, that gets in the way.
Reviewer: Gary Orchard
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker