REVIEW: Bloke’s Terrible Tomb of Terror 3RD Monster-Sized Collection

Publisher: Jason Crawley
Writers: Jason ‘The Bloke’ Crawley, David Brana, Roger McKenzie, Samuel Agro, Trevor Denham, Liam Webb, Alex Ogalla
Artists: Mike Hoffman, Juan Carlos Abraldes Rendo, Carlos Valenzuela, Salvador Lopez Donaire, Caesar Antomattei, Emanuel Derna, Antonio Di Cicco, Marco Perugini, Santos Zaballos, Nik Poliwko, Ronn Sutton, Angel Alonso, Paul Abrams, Rob Moran, Paul Rose, Samuel Agro, Trevor Denham, Scott Shriver, Rock Baker, Jeff Austin, Kevin Tuma

Cover: Mike Hoffman
Editorial Assistance: Keith Braun
Release date: OUT NOW!!!
Price: USA $19.95/UK: £12.92  

Bloke’s Terrible Tomb of Terror 3RD Monster-Sized Collection
Bloke’s Terrible Tomb of Terror 3RD Monster-Sized Collection

Much like the late and lamented Warren Publishing’s Creepy and Eerie Year Books, Bloke’s Terrible Tomb of Terror 3RD Monster-Sized Collection offers the best of the best from pervious issues of Bloke’s Terrible Tomb of Terror. A magazine dedicated to keeping the horror comic book alive and kicking in an undead and sometimes buried way; seemingly retro and contemporary in equal amounts; probably because human nature in fiction has never really changed, the seven deadly sins are a live and very well in Bloke’s Terrible Tomb of Terror 3RD Monster-Sized Collection. As much as pride, envy, wrath, gluttony, lust, sloth and greed continue to exist in the here and now of all our lives.

And in this bumper addition there is certainly a sense of your moneys worth in Bloke’s Terrible Tomb of Terror 3RD Monster-Sized Collection, 200 pages of one of the most underrated genres in the comic book medium. And you do not need to be a fan of the final page denouement to enjoy every page here. The O’ Henry ending may be derided by some, mostly the pseudo intellectuals of the comic book world, who I imagine secretly pine for comic books like Bloke’s Terrible Tomb of Terror 3RD Monster-Sized Collection but will never admit to it. So grab yourself a copy.

With Halloween just round the corner Bloke’s Terrible Tomb of Terror 3RD Monster-Sized Collection will make an ideal bedside companion. And rather than a lot of, how shall I put it, comic book character emoting, monologuing and self-referential dialogue. The characters in Bloke’s Terrible Tomb of Terror 3RD Monster-Sized Collection keep it real, because, let’s face it, we all are more susceptible to those seven deadly sins than we are to the latest adventures of capes and spandex. And if you do not believe me, pick up a copy and tell me I am wrong.

Available here:

And here:


Reviewer: Steve Hooker