Publisher: Zenescope
Writer: Joe Tyler
Art: Carlos Granda
Colours: Jorge Cortes
Cover: Anthony Spay and Jorge Cortes
Price: $3.99
Release Date: OUT NOW!

We’re back with another Zenescope comic that isn’t fairytale related in Escape From Monster Island #4. The best way I can sum up the basic premise of Escape From Monster Island #4 is: Jurassic Park meets District 9. Imagine a world where fantasy monsters exist, but we created them. Elves, Cyclops, Minotaurs, Goblins and fantastic creatures like that.
In 2012, the Pacific Island where these monsters were held and studied, suffered a disaster and the creatures escaped. The scientists were forced to flee. Now, in Escape From Monster Island #4 a mercenary team only have a short time to contain the creatures on the island, before the US Government nukes it off the map.
I would highly recommend Escape From Monster Island #4 to any fans of action-based comics and fans of monsters.
Reviewer: Aaron Wood
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker