Publisher: Zenescope
Writer: Lou Iovino
Artists: Wilton Santos & Marc Rosete
Colourists: Grosetieta, Hedwin Zaldivar & Ceci de la Cruz
Release Date: OUT NOW!
Price: $3.99

Britney Waters, aka, Red Agent, is a shapeshifting werewolf working for the Highborn Initiative battling monsters from the Realms of Power who are working as secret agents for various of the world’s governments.
As high concepts go, this version of Red Riding Hood couldn’t get much higher without a rocket ship! From the butt-centric cover onwards its action all the way with barely a chance to draw breath as we are introduced to Red Agent: The Human Order #1 of 12’s core group of shapeshifters, witches, telepaths and robots with human minds.
Throw in fiendish experiments and a last-ditch rescue mission and Red Agent: The Human Order #1 of 12 is certainly attention grabbing but the character bonding process needs more time to make us care what happens next.
Still, with eleven more issues of Red Agent: The Human Order to come, so there’s plenty of time and, I’m guessing, lots more weird and wonderful characters waiting in the wings. I’m still having trouble getting my head around a superhero called Britney, but who knows, she might just grow on me.
Reviewer: Gary Orchard
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker