Publisher: Zenescope
Writer: Joe Brusha
Artist: Marcelo Mueller
Colourist: Jorge Cortes
Release Date: 4 April 2018
Price: $3.99

Many a swash gets buckled in Grimm Fairy Tales #14 thanks mainly to the presence of Winter Sudam, Diego Garcia and Carmen Alexander aka The Musketeers, those Defenders of the Earth (hmmm, catchy title, must use it sometime) in the battle between the Corrupt and the Highborn.
But will The Musketeers’ mission clash or coincide with Skye Mathers aspirations as the new Guardian of the Nexus? Inevitably in the world of super-heroics, any team-up begins with a punch-up and in Grimm Fairy Tales #14, The Musketeers, bored with doing nothing but training, decide to moonlight as crime-fighters. The only problem is, after foiling a jewel heist, they pocket a necklace for their trouble which inevitably brings them into conflict with Skye.
With Merlin now in charge of the Book of Fairy Tales, and Skye’s own Book of Fables gone AWOL, Skye must find a way to stop the power of the Book of Fairy Tales being misused in this world. However, after a confrontation following a bank robbery with The Musketeers, she is no nearer her goal.
Grimm Fairy Tales #14 is an action packed blast with Marcelo Mueller’s artwork a standout feature to compliment Joe Brusha’s assured and intricate plotting.
Reviewer: Gary Orchard
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker