Publisher: Zenescope
Writer: Anne Toole
Artist: Marcio Abreu
Colourist: Hedwin Zaldivar and Maxflan Araujo
Release Date: OUT NOW!
Price: $3.99

In Grimm Fairy Tales: Dance of the Dead #5, the sat nav’s still out, all the road signs have been turned around and Mary Medina, aka Mystere and her companions Bakur and Jasmine are still trapped in a maze deep in the Shadowlands and beset by demons of all shapes and sizes.
Mary’s powers are still out of whack, so it’s up to Bakur and Jasmine to step up and do the heavy lifting. As Mary, Bakur and Jasmine tread water, re-hashing the encounters of last ish, we get a flashback to Gruel and Hatshepsut (try saying that three times fast, I dare you) and their first encounter where they joined forces to become the King and Queen of Cups come hell or high water.
Without her makeup, Hatshepsut has a face that only a soul-sucking zombie groupie could love but that doesn’t stop Gruel sealing the pact with some lip action and their fate, and everyone else’s, is sealed as well, or so it seems.
As this is the only real plot development in Grimm Fairy Tales: Dance of the Dead #5, next issues final instalment will have to resolve all these outstanding issues and put some substantial meat on the bones which have been well and truly picked clean in Grimm Fairy Tales: Dance of the Dead #5.
There is only so much stumbling around in a maze that you can take before it just becomes the same old same old. Here’s hoping for a zinger of a finale in the next of Grimm Fairy Tales: Dance of the Dead.
Reviewer: Gary Orchard
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker