Tag Archives: Tolkien

New J.R.R. Tolkien biography comic sold exclusively through comic book shops

He imagined realms of wizards, orcs and hobbits and elevated fantasy from pulp to respected literature. J.R.R. Tolkien, the iconic author who captivated generations with his rich and complex mythology of Middle Earth, is the subject of his own tale in a special edition of Bluewater Productions’ latest biography comic title “Orbit.”

Orbit: JRR Tolkien: True Lord of the Rings, releasing this May, will be sold exclusively through comic book shops. Continue reading New J.R.R. Tolkien biography comic sold exclusively through comic book shops

THE HOBBIT, Production Video #6 [HD]

Continuation of location shooting, now for THE HOBBIT: PART 2.

New Zealand is as gorgeous as ever, even with her somewhat temperamental weather. We get to see more of the actors in action, in costume. A little bit of the life on set. And of course interviews from the cast and crew, including the normally elusive Martin Freeman, Mr. Bilbo Baggins himself.

Continue reading THE HOBBIT, Production Video #6 [HD]